
edmodo.com is a vital technological tool used everyday in my classroom.  I use it not only for communication, but also to give assessments, post on a calendar, post links, files, notes that we took in class...and much more!  The purpose of this page is to share how my class is using edmodo, to share ideas and take suggestions too!


  1. edmodo Basics: Groups
    Our grade level is set up with six teachers. Three teach math and science, the others ELA and social studies. I am on the ELA/SS team and teach 2 blocks each day.

    The first thing I do at the beginning of the year is set up my groups. I have a homeroom, ELA for block 1 and another for block 2 and the same set up for social studies. I also have one called chat where they can have conversations with classmates on any school appropriate topic. In every group proper grammar and no use of "text" talk is expected when responding.

    Homeroom group: Every morning when students arrive part of their morning routine is getting their laptop and respond to the Morning Question. The Morning Question can be related to their weekly story, a social studies topic, a school wide event, a riddle, or just a free write like what they did over the weekend. I can post reminders that pertain to only my homeroom kids like class pictures, field trip information, or school calendar reminders.

    ELA Block 1 & 2: I use this group to post anything related to ELA. It can be interactive websites for practice, reminders about homework or assessments, class notes that we took that day that were typed on a PowerPoint or powerPoints that I find and are connected to what we are studying. Students can post writing samples or questions that come to mind once they get home. They can also respond to a posted website and say if they liked it or share something else that we may be able to use the the classroom that they found.

    SS Block 1 & 2: I use this the same as the ELA group but post only SS related items.

    At the end of the year I put all the students into one group so I can keep in touch with them as they continue their education here in elementary school or beyond. It is a great way also to keep in touch with students who have moved away.

    1. I can't express just how happy I am to read your experiences with Edmodo. I did have our tech department set up a secure domain with our school name. I jus got the email this week that it has been set up. This week has been our state ISTEP test week so I really haven't had time to explore my Edmodo yet. After reading how you've used this in your room, I can't wait to find ways to incorporate it into my math classroom!

      One question about tests. If I give my students a math test and have them type the answer (instead of multiple choice) is Edmodo still able to grade those responses if they are just a numerical answer?

    2. Try setting it up as a fill in the blank. A question could say "The answer to #1 is ___" and you set up the correct answer. Word problems would work and other computation problems too. It could be a totally paperless test or a combination. Try it, I'd love to know how it turns out.

  2. Sharing our Writing!
    This week we have been practicing to improve our writing skills. We concentrated on four genres: Descriptive, Expository, Narrative, and Persuasive. After going through the writing process, students were able to upload their essay on edmodo to share with the class. It is a great way for me to collect their work digitally so I can save the student samples and use with future assignments.

  3. Today my students are taking a test in social studies. I instructed them to take out their laptops. All of their eyes were wide open and bright. They responded, "It's on edmodo?" I said yes... then they cheered. Does your class cheer about taking a test? Visit my linked blog http://tlt121computing.blogspot.com/ to see them in action!

  4. This school year, my class is involved in an amazing global experience. We are connecting to student in Rwanda, Africa. The daughter of a good friend has committed to a two year journey in Rwanda and is teaching English along with technology skills. Her class joined edmodo by creating a class log on. Due to the student / computer ratio, each student having their own is not possible. I created a RWANDA group where we can converse, ask questions, post pictures, and learn about each other's cultures. It has really opened up my students eyes as to how others live with out the things we take for granted and I don't mean just technology! They were amazed at the process of just getting clean water or that some don't bother to clean it, it is just their way of life. This group has sparked my students to research Rwanda, their language, and has prompted some very insightful questions.
