Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week 7 Final Reflection

            Looking back on the last seven weeks, my first reaction is that time has flown by!  As I reviewed past discussions, assignments, and lessons, I am confident in the practices I have shared but also in what I have gained by taking this class and learning from my classmates.  In the beginning I was not clear about the game plan concept and how it would fit in to my teaching.  Seven weeks later, I not only have followed my game plan but also have seen ways I can adjust it and enhance my teaching.  I focused on social studies because it “should prepare students to actively engage in inquiry, perspective taking and meaning in order to develop the habits of mind that are important for the rights and the responsibility of the 21st century citizenship” (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p. 186).  By learning where we have come from in history can give us insights to how we are supposed to participate in our future. 

            The GAME plan is outlined for educators to use with their students to set goals, taking actions by lesson planning, monitoring student growth and evaluating student progress and student effectiveness (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p. 3).  My current indicators are to 1) Model Digital Age Work and Learning and 2) Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership.  Throughout this class I learned how to take existing, engaging lessons and step it up a notch by adding components that require students to ask better questions, research, collaborate, and share globally.   Since this class came at a time when my class was out for the summer for some of the lessons, I am looking forward to beginning my next year with a new game plan, one that will be appropriate to start off a year with new students who may not be as verse in the technologies that we were doing by the end of the year.  Sometimes I think my lessons become to “epic” and I realize that they have to be simplified.  That comes in time when lessons are in progress.  Each class is different and even though I see a trend in their abilities decreasing a bit in some areas, their technology know-how is increasing. 

            This coming year, we, my co-teacher and I, have decided not to use the textbook.  We are designing project-based lessons that will integrate English / Language Arts as well as Social Studies standards.  The course of my year will fulfill my game plan.  I am also aware that I can add to it or adjust it as I see the need.  Being the 4th grade team leader, I will also pursue by goals by sharing and assisting any anyway the technologies that I use in my classroom.  We have a very close team with an addition of a new teacher so I look forward to assisting her and diving into my next school year and implementing new strategies and lessons and making digital storytelling a common component but exploring the different mediums to accomplish that goal. 

Cennamo, K., J., & Ertmer, P. (2010). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Week 4 ~ Monitoring My GAME Plan Progress

            I am struggling a bit with this game plan.  I think because it is at the end of the school year, only 8 more days of school remaining, I am finding it hard to progress due to the indicators I chose.  My two indicators were Model Digital Age Work and Learning and to Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership.  Both of these I am planning to attack in the summer months when my professional development classes begin. 
Information and Resources I Need ~ For the first indicator, I need to sit down with my ELA/SS teammate and design some new and exciting lessons and assessments that were mentioned in this week’s chapter.  “There is no magic formula to determine the right assessment task or the appropriate technology f every performance goal” (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p. 142).  But what you do need is a plan for teaching and I am lacking that at the moment.  I need a focus to this plan.
Modifying the Plan ~ I do not think have to modify my plan too much, I just think my indicators are time sensitive.  As I get closer to the next school year, I will hve a better understanding of the specifics.  I need to find that focus.  Since the students I Rwanda are still in school, using edmodo, I can plan some summer response question to keep the interest alive. 
What I Have Learned So Far ~ Tasks in education happen in a natural progression.  Professional development is offered certain times a year but in the mean time I am already redesigning some of our documents to make our progress reports more concise and less time consuming for the teacher every other week.   I am collecting new resources to share.  Also, working over the summer with our ELA common core liaison so I know new projects and lessons are in the works to better align the standards across content. 
New Questions?  Am I on the right track?  I feel focused and fuzzy at the same time. 



Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2010). Technology integration for meaningful classroom

            use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Week 3 ~ Carrying Out My GAME Plan

The GAME plan is an outline for educators to use with their students to set goals, taking actions by lesson planning, monitoring student growth and evaluating student progress and student effectiveness (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p. 3).  This week we were asked to review our GAME plan and include resources needed to carry it out, what additional information I will need and what I have done so far.

Indicator: Model Digital Age Work and Learning – Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.

My goal for this was to learn about and become skilled in new technologies and instruct in order to become better at collaboration not only with students but parents and others, even globally. 

Even though I want to expand our classroom experience in Rwanda, we can also do it with a sister school.  This year we partnered with a first grade class to do some collaborative writing and PowerPoint instruction.  The teacher is moving to another school in our district and wants to connect our classes next year through Skype, edmodo and other sharing sites to post notes, updates, conversations, and student work.  If anyone can suggest other sites to use, I would appreciate it!  We will also expand our communication with our Rwanda friends with my class next year.  I also told this year’s students that I would not delete them from the group so they can continue conversing. 


Indicator: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership- teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership. My goal as our team leader is to help step up our technology usage and student engagement.  My team is split on technology usage and knowledge.  We are planning a partnership to assist the teachers that shy away or are too uncomfortable in making changes.  In addition, I have signed up not only for the English/Language Arts Common Core professional development but I am going to attend the math session as well.  My other ELA partner is attending science so we can both be knowledgeable how the ELA standards are integrated across content.  The description of the sessions includes a technology component so I am excited as to what it will include.



Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2010). Technology integration for meaningful classroom

            use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for

      teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Week 2 ~ Developing Your Personal GAME Plan

           When teams want to win a game, the coach designs a game plan by setting goals for the team, defining actions, monitoring the players and evaluating during the game and after the game to determine the plan for the next game.  The same GAME plan is outlined for educators to use with their students to set goals, taking actions by lesson planning, monitoring student growth and evaluating student progress and student effectiveness (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p. 3).  This week we were asked to create a GAME plan using indicators from NETS-T.    

            Indicator: Model Digital Age Work and Learning – Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.

Goals: To learn about and become skilled in new technologies and instruct in order to become better at collaboration not only with students but parents and others, even globally. 

Action: To involve my next class more with the opportunity to increase our communication with a class in Rwanda.  This year, a former student began her two year journey in Rwanda with the Peace Corps.  We communicated a little throughout the school year and shared our culture.  I want to plan a working unit with them.

Monitor: Once I have designed a lesson, students will be observed so I can adjust as we go, reteach any content or technology that I need to so they can proceed with their work.

Evaluation: Student will be assessed based on the objectives and the purpose of the assignment.  Reflection is involved by the student as well as me to determine if changes are need to enhance the learning experience.  It is difficult at this time to be specific since I do not know exactly yet what the work will be.  I do want to involve my students more in cultures around the world and using technologies like to connect is something I want to explore more.  The little communicating we did this year had a huge effect on the interest of problems around the world. 

Indicator: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership- teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership.

Goals: Today I was asked by my principal to be our team leader for the next two years.  There were others I thought she would choose before me so I am thrilled.  In my meeting, she said she chose me because of my technology skills and that I would be perfect to lead my team to a higher level of learning by sharing my skills. So, I am going to take on this role, not just with the traditional responsibilities but to create a professional learning club.  Even though we teach separate subjects, there are many things we can do together as a group, especially since common core is upon us. 

Action: We will meet once a week like we are required but I want to include a technology component to our meeting.  Also, by connecting to other schools, collaborating with in our school, attending professional development with our ITS and district personal when it is offered.  There is one teacher who is still hesitant, I will offer my assistance in a one to one capacity to help them gain confidence and develop ideas.

Monitor: During weekly meetings we can go over what we have done with new technologies, see how they are doing implementing their knowledge, and troubleshooting any problems. 

Evaluation: I want to be a good listener too.  I want my team to be comfortable to tell me if something is not working for them or if it just does not suit their needs.  I also want them to be able to tell me how I am doing as a leader and if I can do more for them.  We are a very good team, Next year we will downsize from six to four.  The four of us can become a good resource for each other.   We are all talented in different ways and that is what makes us good.  We share and discuss things productively.  If that can continue, then we will be effective in our goals to enhance our technology skills as we prepare our kids for the future.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2010). Technology integration for meaningful classroom
use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for
teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Integrating Technology Across Content Areas ~ Week 1

Hi all and welcome to my blog.  I am happy that blogging is a component to this class because I do enjoy the purpose and the interaction that a blog provides.  Unfortunately, it sometimes is left behind when other things become priority. 
This is my eighth class and I am looking forward to everything this class has to offer and to interact with all of you.