Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 5 ~ Podcast

Week 5 Podcast

The project above took some thinking, collaborating, and effort.  It was my first ever attempt at creating a podcast.  It's a little rough, but I think I covered the requirements.  It is something I am going to keep trying to improve on.  When I do have a solid understanding, I will definitely implement it in the classroom.

I administered a survey to my students that asked questions about their experience with computers, what they think about computers, and about their learning environment. 

All but 2 students in my class have a computer at home.  One other has a computer, but no Internet service.  A majority of the students have used a computer at school from kindergarten or 1st grade.  (If they were at my current school, then it was from kindergarten.)  When asked about usage, they all answered that they use them every day at school and a majority at home.  Every combination was mentioned, individually, in pairs, as a whole class, and in small groups. 

When asked about learning about the computer, when it came time to figure out a new game, almost all students said they do not need any help in figuring out how to play.  But often times when they have a new assignment on the computer, all of a sudden that drive to figure it out by themselves diminishes. 

I also asked if their good grades are a result of using technology.  The high students said they probably would have straight A’s anyway bit it makes learning more fun and they accomplish tasks faster.  The middle level students find using technology very helpful.  And my lower end kids say it can help them a lot because they stick to it more.  If it was a paper and pencil assignment, they do not put out as much effort.  Interesting!!! 

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