Monday, March 19, 2012

Walden Week 3 ~ Reflection

I cannot believe just after three weeks how much I have implemented what I have learned at Walden in my classroom.  This week was about several topics.  I was excited to start a wiki with my classmates and discuss how technology is changing the work environment. 

If you don't know what a wiki is, visit and scroll to view the video.  I wiki is a web tool that allows more the one person to collaborate and edit a document that is web based.   This is the link to our wiki: educ-6710group3.  We compiled some great resources, categorized, and rated them.  I showed my class the video and they are excited to learn it too.  Having my class at school becoming a part of my learning process gets me motivated to be creative in new ways.  they are pretty excited too when I tell them that I talk (and brag a little) about what great work they are doing in class.   I'll write more about that later on when we use this in class. 

Technology and the work environment...I cannot even begin to comprehend the complete impact or even predict what will change in the next  few years, or even weeks!  One of the main points in our lecture was that we need to teach our children skills that they will use in jobs that aren't even invented yet!  How can we do that?  By teaching them to be thinkers, problem solvers, decision makers, and to develop their creativity.  That is a tall order for us educators on top of all the content standards we are responsible for.  We as educators are still learning and developing those skills.  At the same time technology is advancing at a fast pace.  We need to gel together both the technological device and the user.  Children today have a heads start on us.  Technology has been a part of their life from the beginning.  We adults are playing catchup!  I am amazed how my 2-year old niece can pull up a game app on my sisters iphone and play it!  I wonder what she will be doing 20 years from now.

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